A Complete Guide on How to Transfer Indosat Credits to Other Users: ILYASWEB

All users of this Indosat provider may not be very familiar with how to replenish, check, and transfer Indosat credits to other users. In fact, providers offer this feature to make it easier to communicate over the phone.

This direct debit feature is certainly very useful, especially if you need temporary credit to stay in touch. However, there are some requirements to use this feature. Therefore, not all users can transfer credits.

If it is determined that you do not meet the requirements and requirements of Indosat, you can be sure that the direct debit request to a fellow user cannot be processed. Therefore, users can contact Indosat Customer Service if they encounter problems using this feature.

Terms and conditions for using the direct debit feature

In fact, all users have the right to use the credit sending feature provided by the Provider. Provider managers, such as Indosat, only make sure that they enforce some terms of use for their users in order to use this feature.

Therefore, users must meet the applicable terms and conditions in order to use the direct debit feature. The first terms and conditions, the Indosat card, are used for at least 180 days before using the Indosat debit feature.

And the card grace period is still at least 30 days away. The second condition has a minimum limit on one-time direct debit requests.

The provider of IndoSat itself has a minimum remittance credit of Rp. It stipulates that it is 5,000. If you submit a direct debit at Rp. 5,000, Indosat will not process the submitted request. Then, a commission is charged to the user for a one-time direct debit of Rp.600 per transaction.

The third condition, the remaining credits of the sender must be at least Rp.5,000. This means that if you send credits to other users, the remaining credits will be credited to Rp. It must be greater than or equal to 5,000. For example, suppose the credit is Rp. 100,000.

Send credit to fellow IndoSat users in the amount of Rp. 10,000. Therefore, the direct debit process is declared successful because it complies with the applicable terms and conditions. In addition, credits from the transfer of fellow users do not increase the active duration of the Indosat Starter Pack used.

How to make an account transfer to an Indosat associate

Once you know the terms and conditions for using the direct debit feature, you can try it right away. Note that there are two direct debit methods available to Indosat provider users:

Thus, you can choose one of the two methods offered by the provider. So, here are two ways to transfer credits to fellow Indosat users you can use: Among them are the following:

  1. Direct debit by short message (SMS)

The first method of direct debit to fellow Indosat users can be done via short message or SMS. The method is also very simple. First, open the Short Message menu (SMS).


Using the direct debit message format, enter “Direct debit (space)” and enter the intended Indosat number (space) and the amount of credit to be transferred. For example, direct debit 08560492xxx 15000.


Next, send the Indosat direct debit message format to number 151. After that, press Send Message. Please wait a few moments for the SMS reply to arrive. Get a credit delivery tokencode.


Then reply to the message with the tokencode you got in the form of OK (space) and make it number 151. Please wait for the credit transfer request to be answered by the Indosat provider.


  1. Direct debit via USSD call

Currently, IndoSat credit transfers can be done via USSD calls. There are two types of credit transfers via USSD calls: Indosat prepaid providers and postpaid providers. If you are a prepaid IndoSat user, follow these steps:


First, dial *123*151# and then press the call button. Then press the number 1 and then press Reply. Please enter the desired number. Next, enter the transferred nominal account. After that, press the number 1 to confirm the direct debit.


For postpaid users, the first step is to dial *123*7*1*6*1# and then press call. Then press the number 1 to confirm the direct debit. Please enter a destination number. Next, enter the direct debit amount as well. After that, press number 1 to confirm the number and nominal credit transfer.

Restrict fellow users from using the Indosat debit feature

Indosat providers do indeed restrict users from using the debit feature. If the credit transfer threshold specified by the provider is exceeded, requests to send credit to fellow users cannot be processed.

IndoSat users are only allowed to transfer credits at a total of approximately Rp.200,000 per day. You are free to request other Indosat users to send credits several times.

The sum of the cumulative requests for sending credits is Rp. It’s just that it has to be less than 200,000. If the limit is exceeded, Indosat direct debit requests cannot be processed by the provider. Therefore, you must be more sensible when using this feature. The goal is to be able to help fellow users who need emergency credit.

How to overcome the failure to use the direct debit feature

Credit transfer transactions to other Indosat users can fail. There are several reasons why a request that you send cannot be processed by a provider. This is, of course, very alarming. Remember that the person to whom you are sending this emergency credit is in dire straits.

If your Indosat direct debit is declared unsuccessful or unsuccessful despite compliance with the applicable terms and conditions, please contact Indosat Customer Service. Being able to connect with this customer service from Indosat Ooledoo is very simple.

First, you can contact the call center by interactive phone (021) 30003000 (for landlines) or 100 and 185 (smartphone users). Indosat call center numbers are active 24 hours a day. So, if you have any problems, you can contact the call center.

In addition, you can send direct messages (DMs) via Twitter with your IndosatCare account. Tell them about the complaints you experience, such as not being able to transfer credits to fellow users.

In addition, you can also contact customer service through Indiasat Ole Doo’s Facebook. And finally, you can file a complaint related to the issue of Indosat direct debit through the application. Indosat Oredoo’s MyIm3 application responds to all complaints experienced by customers, such as credit transfer failures.

Customer service from the MyIm3 application is also active 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Thus, you can immediately report any issues that you encounter with the MyIm3 application call center. That way, all your issues can be handled immediately with Indosat customer service.

Sometimes, some people become untrustworthy in an emergency. For this reason, Indosat offers a direct debit feature to its fellow users. There are several terms and conditions for using this feature. Then learn how to transfer Indosat credits to other users.

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